Tuesday, December 29, 2020

2020-21 Writing Camp 9th Homework DUE: Thursday 12-31-2020

Your assignment:

Write a 3 paragraph essay about Creative Constraints.
NO banned words or dialogue

Ann, Gogo, and Harry - please use and indicate stylistic techniques as you see fit. 

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The Love Affair Between Creativity and Constraint | Tess Callahan | 

  • Form 
  • Imposed Incongruity
  • Time 

The Power of Constraints  | Phil Hanson | 

Thought provoking nuggets from Phil Hanson's Ted Talk: 
• people may think that limitation is an unlikely place to harness creativity
• embracing limitations can drive creativity
• one can become more creative by looking for limitations
• we might have to be limited to become limitless
• continue to show up for the process
• challenge the accepted norms
• seize the day -- seize the limitations 
• embrace the shake

These resources might help you:


Imposed Incongruity
Time (could also be a physical or practical constraint)  
Tess Callahan: The Affair Between Creativity and Constraint

Mars Rover: 1:42 minute mark through the ~3:00 minute mark

Closing thought: Ultimate limitations can become ultimate liberation.  (Phil Hanson)
This makes me think of Maximilian Kolbe and Mother Teresa

When the Nazis overran his country of Poland in 1939, they eventually imprisoned Kolbe in the Auschwitz death camp, where in 1941 he offered to take the place of a man condemned to die in reprisal for an escaped prisoner. His offer accepted, he died two weeks later on August 14. In the process he ministered to nine others dying with him from starvation. 

The suffering and poverty that Teresa glimpsed outside her convent walls made such a deep impression on her that in 1948 she devoted herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. Although she had no funds, she depended on Divine Providence, and started an open-air school for slum children. Soon she was joined by voluntary helpers, and financial support was also forthcoming. 

Her work spread around the world. By 2013, there were 700 missions operating in over 130 countries. The scope of their work also expanded to include orphanages and hospices for those with terminal illnesses.

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