Monday, December 28, 2020

2020-21 Writing Camp 7th Homework DUE: Wednesday 12-30-2020

 Creative Constraints

2 paragraph essay
no banned words or dialogue

1st  paragraph - summarize the video and include important highlights and thought provoking nuggets
• people may think that limitation is an unlikely place to harness creativity
• embracing limitations can drive creativity
• one can become more creative by looking for limitations
• we might have to be limited to become limitless
• continue to show up for the process
• challenge the accepted norms
• seize the day -- seize the limitations

2nd paragraph - find an example(s) of this theory of creative constraints leading to broader or better or unimagined outcomes. The constraint might be physical, perceived, or practical.

These resources might help you:


Imposed Incongruity
Time (could also be a physical or practical constraint)  
Tess Callahan: The Affair Between Creativity and Constraint

Mars Rover: 1:42 minute mark through the ~3:00 minute mark

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