Thursday, December 31, 2020

2020-21 Writing Camp 5th Homework

Your homework is to write a 1 paragraph essay using your favorite sentence from class about the dragon and the tea party. 

Include an indication of each DRESS UP. Check the sidebar if you need a reminder about the DRESS UPs.

If you have had class with me before, please include 4 indicated OPENERs. 

I cannot wait to read your stories!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

2020-21 Writing Camp 9th Homework DUE: Thursday 12-31-2020

Your assignment:

Write a 3 paragraph essay about Creative Constraints.
NO banned words or dialogue

Ann, Gogo, and Harry - please use and indicate stylistic techniques as you see fit. 

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The Love Affair Between Creativity and Constraint | Tess Callahan | 

  • Form 
  • Imposed Incongruity
  • Time 

The Power of Constraints  | Phil Hanson | 

Thought provoking nuggets from Phil Hanson's Ted Talk: 
• people may think that limitation is an unlikely place to harness creativity
• embracing limitations can drive creativity
• one can become more creative by looking for limitations
• we might have to be limited to become limitless
• continue to show up for the process
• challenge the accepted norms
• seize the day -- seize the limitations 
• embrace the shake

These resources might help you:


Imposed Incongruity
Time (could also be a physical or practical constraint)  
Tess Callahan: The Affair Between Creativity and Constraint

Mars Rover: 1:42 minute mark through the ~3:00 minute mark

Closing thought: Ultimate limitations can become ultimate liberation.  (Phil Hanson)
This makes me think of Maximilian Kolbe and Mother Teresa

When the Nazis overran his country of Poland in 1939, they eventually imprisoned Kolbe in the Auschwitz death camp, where in 1941 he offered to take the place of a man condemned to die in reprisal for an escaped prisoner. His offer accepted, he died two weeks later on August 14. In the process he ministered to nine others dying with him from starvation. 

The suffering and poverty that Teresa glimpsed outside her convent walls made such a deep impression on her that in 1948 she devoted herself to working among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta. Although she had no funds, she depended on Divine Providence, and started an open-air school for slum children. Soon she was joined by voluntary helpers, and financial support was also forthcoming. 

Her work spread around the world. By 2013, there were 700 missions operating in over 130 countries. The scope of their work also expanded to include orphanages and hospices for those with terminal illnesses.

Monday, December 28, 2020

2020-21 Writing Camp 7th Homework DUE: Wednesday 12-30-2020

 Creative Constraints

2 paragraph essay
no banned words or dialogue

1st  paragraph - summarize the video and include important highlights and thought provoking nuggets
• people may think that limitation is an unlikely place to harness creativity
• embracing limitations can drive creativity
• one can become more creative by looking for limitations
• we might have to be limited to become limitless
• continue to show up for the process
• challenge the accepted norms
• seize the day -- seize the limitations

2nd paragraph - find an example(s) of this theory of creative constraints leading to broader or better or unimagined outcomes. The constraint might be physical, perceived, or practical.

These resources might help you:


Imposed Incongruity
Time (could also be a physical or practical constraint)  
Tess Callahan: The Affair Between Creativity and Constraint

Mars Rover: 1:42 minute mark through the ~3:00 minute mark

2020-21 Writing Camp 5th Homework DUE: Wednesday 12-30-2020

Your last homework assignment was to write examples sentences for each DRESS UP. 
Your new homework assignment is to choose one of your sentences, and use it as a writing prompt. 

Write a one paragraph essay (story) and include one indicated example of each DRESS UP.

Remember that DRESS UPs are IN the sentence, they do not begin the sentence.

Indicate the DRESS UP word by bolding and underlining it.

w/w  = a who clause and a which clause   

bc because clause

ly = ly adverb

www asia = when,   while,   where,   as,   since,   if,   although   (indicate ONE asia dress-up in your paragraph)

REMEMBER that you may not use "when" or "where" as question words.

QA = quality adjective

SV = strong verb

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

2020-21 Writing Camp 9th Homework DUE: Tuesday 12-29-2020




Write about a backup dancer who’s on tour and just wants some peace and quiet for the holidays.


Write about a young nobleman whose greatest wish is to become an Olympic long jumper.


Write about a drummer going to a holiday party for musicians.

INCLUDE NAME & DATE STAMP - top left 1.15 spacing
INCLUDE CENTERED TITLE BLOCK  - tile bolded, lower case b, 1.15 spacing


Peggy Cortez

DUE: Thursday, December 24, 2020




Peggy Cortez

  Please remember to indent.  You must also remember to double space your essay. Use

Merriweather 12.5 font. You will have to type in 12.5 because it is not standard. Indicate properly.

(6) Edit for banned words. Remember to make sentences BETTER when you get rid of banned words.

DRESS UPs   -   indicate by underlining and bolding the word

w/w =   who/which clauses

bc  = because

ly =ly adverb

www asia  =  when    while    where    as   since    if   although

QA = quality adjective
SV = strong verb     She wandered down the street with a daydreamer’s pace.

OPENERs   - indicate by placing  the number inside parenthesis BEFORE the sentence/ bold and highlight the indication/label

1 - bc *

2 - prep

3 - ly

4 - ing *

5 - asia *

6 - vss

7 - ed *

1s, 4s, 5s, and 7s always need commas.


(1)Because the boy was not paying attention, he tripped.    

(1) Because it was raining, she grabbed her umbrella.  

Check your 1s by reversing the sentence while keeping the same meaning. If it can be done, you have created a (1) properly. Example: She grabbed her umbrella because it was raining.

(2) In the beginning the class was easy.

(2) From the depths of the ocean the merpeople emerged to avenge the death of their queen.

(3) Softly the wind tickled her neck.

(3)  Finally the quidditch match ended and Gryffindor had won the House Cup. 

(4) Laughing with joy, the woman accepted the award.

(4)  Running from the cops, Dereck tried to quell his panic.

(4)  Looking frantically from left to right, the child was trying to cross the road.

(4) Singing under the window, the troubadour declared his love for the beautiful young woman with melody and rhyme.

(5) If you want money, you must work for it.

REMEMBER! Never use “when” or “where” as question words in (5)s

(6)  He ran quickly.

(7)  Frustrated, she banged on the keyboard!

(7)  Overjoyed by the news, the man ran home.

Food for thought: “The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.” – Tom Clancy

2020-21 Winter Camp 7th Homework DUE: Monday 12-28-2020

Your homework is to compose our own version of The 12 Days of Christmas.

The cadence must match the song.

What is Cadence?

 It is the modulation and inflection of words and/or phrases. It is the rhythm of sounds.

Cadence is an important literary device used to indicate the rising and falling of the voice when reading words. Melodic patterns arise while reading words.  So, it stands to reason that songs can help us learn cadence. In both poetry and prose, cadence helps set a pace and help us predict which words to stress when we read.

And this one is just for fun. It is Straight No Chaser's
fantastic and original arrangement of this classic song.

And, of course, here is the crazy fun version we watched in class.

The Twelve Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
A Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the second day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the third day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the fourth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the fifth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
5 Golden Rings
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the sixth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
6 Geese a Laying
5 Golden Rings
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the seventh day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
7 Swans a Swimming
6 Geese a Laying
5 Golden Rings
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the eighth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
8 Maids a Milking
7 Swans a Swimming
6 Geese a Laying
5 Golden Rings
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the ninth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
9 Ladies Dancing
8 Maids a Milking
7 Swans a Swimming
6 Geese a Laying
5 Golden Rings
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the tenth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
10 Lords a Leaping
9 Ladies Dancing
8 Maids a Milking
7 Swans a Swimming
6 Geese a Laying
5 Golden Rings
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the eleventh day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
11 Pipers Piping
10 Lords a Leaping
9 Ladies Dancing
8 Maids a Milking
7 Swans a Swimming
6 Geese a Laying
5 Golden Rings
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

On the twelfth day of Christmas
my true love sent to me:
12 Drummers Drumming
11 Pipers Piping
10 Lords a Leaping
9 Ladies Dancing
8 Maids a Milking
7 Swans a Swimming
6 Geese a Laying
5 Golden Rings
4 Calling Birds
3 French Hens
2 Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree

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THIS IS HOW ONE (very successful author) CHANGED THE WORDS:


On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a Poodle in a dog house.
On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 2 St. Bernards and a Poodle in a dog house.
On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 3 Cocker Spaniels, 2 St. Bernards, and a Poodle in a dog house.
On the 4th day of of Christmas my true love to me 4 Basset Hounds, 3 Cocker Spaniels, 2 St. Bernards, and a Poodle in a dog house.
On the 5 day of Christmas my true love gave to me 5 golden retrievers, 4 Basset Hounds 3 Cocker Spaniels, 2 St. Bernards and a poodle in a dog house.
On the 6th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 6 Boxers boxing, 5 Golden Retrievers, 4 Basset Hounds, 3 Cocker Spaniels, 2 St. Bernards and a Poodle in a dog house.
On the 7th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 7 huskies howling, 6 Boxers boxing, 5 Golden Retrievers, 4 Basset Hounds, 3 Cocker Spaniels, 2 St. Bernards and a Poodle in a dog house.
On the 8th day of Christmas my true love gave to me 8 Sheepdogs sleeping, 7 Huskies howling, 6 Boxers boxing, 5 Golden Retrievers, 4 Basset Hounds, 3 Cocker Spaniels, 2 St. Bernards and a Poodle in a dog house.
On the 9th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 9 Chihuahuas chomping, 8 Sheepdogs sleeping, 7 Huskies howling, 6 Boxers boxing, 5 Golden Retrievers, 4 Basset Hounds, 3 Cocker Spaniels, 2 St. Bernards and a Poodle in a dog house.
On the 10th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 10 Dalmatians dancing, 9 Chihuahuas chomping, 8 Sheepdogs snoring, 7 Huskies howling, 6 Boxers boxing, 5 Golden Retrievers, 4 Basset Hounds, 3 Cocker Spaniels, 2 St. Bernards and a Poodle in a dog house.
On the 11th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 11 Labs a'laughing, 10 Dalmatians dancing, 9 Chihuahuas chomping, 8 Sheepdogs snoring, 7 Huskies howling, 6 Boxers boxing, 5 Golden Retrievers, 4 Basset Hounds, 3 Cocker Spaniels, 2 St. Bernards and a Poodle in a dog house.
On the 12th day of Christmas my true love gave to me,

2020-21 Winter Camp 5th Grade Homework DUE: Monday 12-28-2020

Write two examples sentences of each DRESS UP.  Remember that DRESS UPs are IN the sentence, they do not begin the sentence.

Indicate the DRESS UP word by bolding and underlining it.

w/w  = who clause and which clause   (write two examples for each)

bc = because clause

ly = ly adverb

www asia = when,   while,   where,   as,   since,   if,   although   (write two examples for each)

REMEMBER that you may not use "when" or "where" as question words.

QA = quality adjective

SV = strong verb