Monday, June 29, 2020

The Power of Creative Constraints

Homework DUE: Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Complete a SOLID 3 paragraph rough draft. We will be adding stylistic techniques in class.

Limitations and creativity might seem like polar opposites. Upon first reflection, constraints could be deemed the enemy of creativity. In fact, this is not the case.

Here are some questions to help you recall and assimilate the information in the first part of the video. 

1)  According to this source video, is total creative freedom liberating?

2) According to the video, boundless freedom is not always

a) helpful
b) understandable
c) safe

3)  Creative constraints are defined as _____________ 


4) What creative constraints restrict all projects?

a) elves, trolls, giants
b) cost, materials, unbreakable laws of physics
c) teachers, friends, unbreakable laws of policemen
d) attitude, sleepiness, interest

5) What are the professions mentioned in the video that deal with creative constraints?

6) Creative constraints are drivers of 
a) cleaning and time
b) cars and busses
c) discovery and invention
d) wealth and weddings

7) Constraints are an essential part of experimental design. In order to create an experiment that tells us how a virus infects the body's cells, a scientist would have to consider (pick two) 

a) what tools and techniques are available
b) what limits knowledge prevent understanding this new viral pathway
c) language differences between experimenters
d) how much they get paid to do the job

8) In the example of the landers Viking I and II. They relied on ____________ to land on Mars.
a) Martians

b) thrusters
c) helipads
d) gravity

9) The problem was the landers Viking I and II 

a) crashed onto the surface of Mars
b) had system malfunctions
c) left foreign chemicals were left on the surface of Mars
d) lost communication with NASA

10) Because of the contaminates in the soil samples, the new challenge in 1996 was

a) how to land a probe on Mars without disturbing the Martians
b) how to launch a probe without creating chemical pollution on Earth
c) how to launch a probe during government cutbacks to the Space Program
d) how to land a probe on Mars without introducing chemicals from Earth 

11) In 1996 the Pathfinder mission used a different method for landing on Mars. What was it?

a) an airbag system that allowed the Pathfinder to bounce and roll to a halt
b) a slip and slide method that allowed the Pathfinder to graze the surface and roll to a halt
c) a sticky tack method that enabled the Pathfinder to grip the surface
d) a bubble system that created a cushioned landing

12) In 2011 a new constraint was defined in the Mars Space Program. What was it?

a) How can we land a large rover while still keeping the budget low?
b) How can we land a large rover without crashing?
c) How can we land a large rover while still keeping rocket fuel away from the Martian soil?
d) How can we land a large rover without astronauts on board?

13) In 2011, the Mars rover, Curiosity, was sent to Mars. It was too big for the previous landing method. What was the solution similar to? (2.28)

a) a pinball machine
b) a bubble gum machine
c) hopscotch
d) a claw machine 

14) Solutions must recognize the limitations of current technology in order to advance it. (2.56) 


Friday, June 26, 2020

Writing Camp Homework DUE: Monday, June 29, 2020

This is the final phase of your weather essay upgrades. Make them spectacular.

Essays must contain all the dress ups, all the openers, 1 DEC, and 1 M3.  DECS and M3s are indicated like openers.

Also, make sure that the topic sentence and clincher sentence (T/C) connect in some way. They can repeat, reflect, or refract.


Here are the DECs   

MET  metaphor    SIM  simile
ALLIT alliteration-3 consonant or consonant blends
ASON  assonance-3 matching vowel sounds
DEC 1  Question or Quotation 
DEC 2  Dramatic Opening & Closing using VSS
DEC 3  Foreign language phrase 
DEC 4  Literary Reference  
DEC 5  Idiom

Here are the M3s

M3-adj  Repeating adjectives
M3-ing  Repeating ing(s)
M3-ly  Repeating ly(s) adverbs
M3-vb  Repeating verbs
M3-n  Repeating nouns
M3-int  Repeating interjections
M3-vss  Short staccato sentence

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Writing Camp Homework DUE: Friday, June 26, 2020

Jessie, Colin, Laura, and Lillian read today. Only ONE person had no banned words. You must find a way to root out those banned words and make your sentences better.

Tomorrow Aimee, Serena, and Jenny will be our first readers.

The assignment due tomorrow:
Indicate 1 of every dress-up and 3 openers.  

We will continue to upgrade our essays with more description, openers, some DECs, M3s, and an OWL over the weekend.

Today's homework is the first step towards that end.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Camp Writing Homework DUE: Thursday, June 24, 2020

Today we switched gears. 

We moved from factual essays to creative. 

We had a "quick-write" session (20 minutes).

Today's two writing prompts were:

You check the time. Perfect. As intended, you have arrived fashionably late.


You looked out the window and, not for the first time, thought about how wrong the weather forecast had been.

Work on the fine details of your quick-write. 
Does it flow?Does it give the reader enough detail?Does it have a solid beginning, middle, and end?Is the conflict clear?Does the resolution make sense?Is it descriptive enough?Are all 5 senses described . . . more than once?
•  Get rid of all banned words and contractions.
•  No dialogue
•  Make SURE you have great T/C connection AND 
•  Tie your Topic sentence (hook) or Clincher to the TITLE

We will weave in dress ups, openers, DECs, M3s, and an OWL tomorrow.

quickwrite is a first draft response to a writing prompt.  Quick-writes allow us to write fast without censoring.  Quick-writes encourage the flow of ideas and the words to express those ideas.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Writing Camp Homework DUE: Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Indicate (1 of each) dress-ups and openers in your Penicillin essay.

And . . . . . triple check that you have:

Correct Title Block 
Name and date at top left 
Merriweather 12.5 
Double spaced 
Indented paragraph s
No BWs 
No contractions 
No dialogue 
Great T/C

Monday, June 22, 2020

Homework DUE: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 The Accident That Changed the World


Today you
1) chose a source video: The Accident That Changed the World
2) took great notes
3) composed a rough draft


HOMEWORK DUE: Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Final draft of your essay
Correct Title Block 
Name and date at top left 
Merriweather 12.5 
Double spaced 
Indent paragraph 
No BWs 
No contractions 
No dialogue 
Great T/C

Tomorrow I will teach you about DECs and M3s

Tuesday's homework (due on Wednesday) will be to "dress up" your Penicillin Essay using:

  • all Dress-Ups
  • 5/7 Openers
  • 2 DECs
  • 2-M3s

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Leaning Tower of Pisa essay DUE: Friday, June 19, 2020

Dig into the 800 year history and architecture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and find out what gives the tower its infamous tilt.

In 1990, the Italian government enlisted top engineers to stabilize Pisa’s famous Leaning Tower. There’d been many attempts during its 800 year history, but computer models revealed the urgency of their situation. The tower would topple if it reached an angle of 5.44 degrees— and it was currently leaning at 5.5. What gives the tower its infamous tilt?

Lesson by Alex Gendler, directed by Aim Creative Studios. 

What a fun class! ROY G. BIV brought us a rainbow of suggestions.

Class was filled with a thunder of thoughts, winds of wonderful words, a hurricane of ideas, a tornado of descriptions, twists of poetic prose, gales of great ideas, a rainfall of writing, a storm of sentences,  and lightning flashes of bright ideas.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Camp Writing Class Homework DUE: Thursday, June 18, 2020

Today was all about brainstorming! All good writers need to master this talent. 

What are 25 things you like to do on a day off (w/ no COVID19)?

What are 10 things you miss about school?

What are 20 of your favorite books?

Homework: Edit all of your past work.
NO banned words
NO contractions
NO dialogue

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Camp Homework DUE: Wednesday, June 17, 2020

HOMEWORK for Wednesday, June 17, 2020

1) Create a journal entry that describes your experience(s) during this time of COVID19.

No banned words
No contractions
No dialogue

We will add Dress-ups and Openers later.

2) Continue to TUNE -UP your time travel essay

Campers! Tuesday is Totally a Tune-up Day!

Time to TUNE UP that homework essay!

Monday's shared story about time travel back to Ancient Rome made the perfect writing prompt! 

I have been reading your essays and have left you all LOTS of comments, corrections, and suggestions. Please dive in and upgrade those essays.

Note that I have given EVERYONE a checklist. It looks like this and it is at the bottom of your Monday Homework Essay

Be sure to tell me whether the requirements were per paragraph or for the whole essay

For the whole essay

“ly” adverb
www asia (choose 1): 

5 of the 7 required:
(1) Because opener:
(2) Prepositional opener:
(3) “ly” Adverbial opener:
(4) “ing” opener:
(5) www asia opener:
(6) or (vss)  5 words or less:
(7) “ed” opener:




Friday, June 12, 2020

Homework DUE Monday, June 15, 2020

Your essays will be graded on Saturday night. Make sure you have gone over your essay with a fine tooth comb. As we reviewed the essays in camp class, we found LOTS of mistakes. I hope it was helpful to review everyone's work together. Learn from each other's work! 

It is a blessing to have a class full of such wonderful writers. 
Now. . . . I want you to lead the pack at school.  So, get in there and make your essays perfect! I know you can do it!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Homework DUE: Thursday, June 11, 2020

Add 5 of the 7 openers (sentence starters) to your essay.

MAKE SURE you have each dress up indicated 1X
MAKE SURE you have NO banned words
                                        NO contractions
                                        No dialogue

I was impressed with the papers we reviewed. If you were paying attention, I know it helped you assess your own writing.

(1) Because
(2) Preposition
(3) "ly" adverb
(4) "ing" word
(5) www asia word
(6) very short sentence -- 5 words or less
(7) "ed" word

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Homework DUE: Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Watch the rest of the wonderful video we started today.

Make sure that your essay has each dress up in it. You might use the dress-ups more than once. That is okay BUT indicate only one of each. 

• How do you indicate a dress-up? Bold it and underline it.

• What are the dress-ups? We talked about each one in class:

who clause
ly = adverb
www asia = when / while /  where / as  / since /  if /  although
QA = quality adjective

SV = strong verb

• Make sure that you have one simile in your essay.

• No banned words

• No contractions

• No dialogue

• Write your essay at the top of your CAMP doc.

This is an amazing story!  Have fun!

Friday, June 5, 2020

Homework DUE: Monday, June 8, 2020

Complete your 10 "who clause" sentences and your 10 "which clause" sentences.

Pick ONE and use it as a writing prompt. Create a story that contains that chosen who or which clause.

NO banned words
NO contractions
NO dialogue

Many of you have not completed the homework that was due today. PLEASE have that completed by Monday. I do not want this to affect your grade!

NOTE! If you are familiar with IEW, you must include one of each dress up in your entire essay. You must also indicate 5 of the 7 openers. Underline and bold the dress ups. Use proper indication for op

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Homework DUE: Friday, June 5, 2020

    Correct both of your essays:

    Add LOTS of description details 
      (think about seeing, hearing, feeling, touching, smelling . . . etc.)

    NO banned words  

   MINIMAL dialogue! I prefer NO dialogue!

   If there are comments on your essay, 
   correct your work.  

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Wednesday 6-3-2020 Writing Prompt

Your homework is to make sure there are no banned words in your Sparsh Shah essay. Also be sure there are no contractions in your Sparsh Shah essay.

Our new writing prompt.  Watch the story and then re-tell the story from the perspective of one of the characters (Emily or Sam).

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Sparsh Shah

Our first essay is a commentary on the following amazing video. Meet Sparsh Shah, a thirteen year old who took IMPOSSIBLE and turned it into I'M POSSIBLE.

Your completed essay is due Wednesday, June 3, 2020.

Please have your google doc open and ready by the start of class tomorrow.