Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Camp Writing Homework DUE: Thursday, June 24, 2020

Today we switched gears. 

We moved from factual essays to creative. 

We had a "quick-write" session (20 minutes).

Today's two writing prompts were:

You check the time. Perfect. As intended, you have arrived fashionably late.


You looked out the window and, not for the first time, thought about how wrong the weather forecast had been.

Work on the fine details of your quick-write. 
Does it flow?Does it give the reader enough detail?Does it have a solid beginning, middle, and end?Is the conflict clear?Does the resolution make sense?Is it descriptive enough?Are all 5 senses described . . . more than once?
•  Get rid of all banned words and contractions.
•  No dialogue
•  Make SURE you have great T/C connection AND 
•  Tie your Topic sentence (hook) or Clincher to the TITLE

We will weave in dress ups, openers, DECs, M3s, and an OWL tomorrow.

quickwrite is a first draft response to a writing prompt.  Quick-writes allow us to write fast without censoring.  Quick-writes encourage the flow of ideas and the words to express those ideas.

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