Friday, June 26, 2020

Writing Camp Homework DUE: Monday, June 29, 2020

This is the final phase of your weather essay upgrades. Make them spectacular.

Essays must contain all the dress ups, all the openers, 1 DEC, and 1 M3.  DECS and M3s are indicated like openers.

Also, make sure that the topic sentence and clincher sentence (T/C) connect in some way. They can repeat, reflect, or refract.


Here are the DECs   

MET  metaphor    SIM  simile
ALLIT alliteration-3 consonant or consonant blends
ASON  assonance-3 matching vowel sounds
DEC 1  Question or Quotation 
DEC 2  Dramatic Opening & Closing using VSS
DEC 3  Foreign language phrase 
DEC 4  Literary Reference  
DEC 5  Idiom

Here are the M3s

M3-adj  Repeating adjectives
M3-ing  Repeating ing(s)
M3-ly  Repeating ly(s) adverbs
M3-vb  Repeating verbs
M3-n  Repeating nouns
M3-int  Repeating interjections
M3-vss  Short staccato sentence

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